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What Works for You?

Movement for Every Body


Small Group Classes

There are multiple benfits of a physiotherapist led Pilates class. In order to maximise on these benefits I always keep class numbers 14 and below. 
This allows me to be aware of everybody in the room, even when they are all doing a different level or variation of an exercise. It also enables me to get to know everyone in the class as well as how they move so I can offer adaptations or homework for individuals as required. 
Prior to attending group classes you will be invited for an initial 1:1. Click the tab for more information.
Physiotherapists are experts in the field of movement and so combining that knowledge with the wonderful Method Joseph Pilates created can provide an amazing reconnect within your body in a supportive, social environment.


Private Pilates Classes

Do you face barriers preventing you from attending a group class, such as medical conditions, childcare, work shifts, or would you like a Pilates programme to help with a specific issue? 
The private classes offered might be the answer you've been looking for.
If required I can travel to you and provide a completely individualised Pilates programme tailored to your needs. 
Classes are either 30 or 60 minutes and prices are the same if you'd like to work with a partner or a friend.
I can also provide you with a home programme for you to follow independently.


Ante-Natal and Post-Natal Pilates

Ante-Natal Pilates


Being pregnant is a time of massive change and adaptation, both physically and emotionally. Pilates can provide a chance to help your body adapt to those changes. 

Research supports exercising while pregnant, under the guidance of your health professionals, showing benefits to both mother and baby, during development and longer term. 

Sarah's Pilates can create an individualised programme, using the latest available research and evidence to provide support as your pregnancy progresses, as well as helping prepare you for birth.


Post-Natal Pilates


How does a completely individualised Pilates programme that meets you exactly where you are post birth sound? What about an exercise programme that helps you find your sense of self within the chaos surrounding the completely life-altering event of giving birth?

Sarah's Pilates can provide advice and education about the best way to move your body while you adapt to the multiple physiological, physically and emotional changes happening continually post birth. 



Pilates for Neurological Conditions

Modified Pilates can be used to assist with a wide variety of neurological conditions. The focus of Pilates will be personal to each individual, depending on what their goals and challenges are,

Pilates can be used to address:

  • Learned Non-Use

  • Reduce Neuromuscular Adaptive Changes

  • Improve Efficiency of Movement Strategies

  • Improve Postural Control

  • Increase Ease of Functional Activities

Services: Services

Initial 1:1

Why come for an initial 1:1 prior to starting a Pilates class?

An initial 1:1 allows for a conversation regarding your goals and expectations of Pilates. It enables you to join an already established class, regardless of your previous experience, while ensuring you feel confident working to your own level. 
As a physiotherapist it is important for me to assess your movement and find out about any health conditions I may need to take into consideration when planning your Pilates programme. 
The 1:1 will last approximately 1 hour.

Services: Welcome
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